Jon Growitz


Considering a move to Newburyport? Before you pack your bags, join Jon Growitz from Bentley's Real Estate as he dives deep into the "Top 5 Reasons Not To Move To Newburyport." While Newburyport boasts many attractions, it's essential to understand its challenges too.

1. **Cost of Living**: Newburyport's charm comes with a price tag. Jon breaks down the financial aspects of living in this coveted location.

2. **Touristy Community**: Love a quiet neighborhood? Newburyport's popularity with tourists might change your mind. Discover how the influx of visitors impacts daily life.

3. **Small Lot Size**: Dreaming of a sprawling backyard? Jon discusses the typical lot sizes in Newburyport and what it means for potential homeowners.

4. **Unpredictable Coastal Weather**: The coastal beauty of Newburyport comes with its own set of weather challenges. Get insights into what to expect from the skies.

5. **Small Town Feel**: If you're used to the hustle and bustle of city life, Newburyport's tight-knit community might be a culture shock. Learn about the pros and cons of living in a smaller town.

For a comprehensive look at life in Newburyport, this vlog is a must-watch. Presented by a trusted name in

real estate, Jon Growitz of Bentley's Real Estate, you'll

get an unbiased view of what it's truly like to live in this picturesque town. For more insights and property listings, visit [](